Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Transformation Tuesday: Hafoc Yates

Back in 2014, Hafoc Yates was attacked outside of her apartment, leaving her with a broken wrist and fingers on her left side, and by late 2015 she thought she’d never be able to close her left palm fully ever again. 

Yates has lived in Seattle since 2002 and works as an admin IT for Northwest Health Law Advocates. She also helps non-profits with technical issues, and in her spare time she enjoys bike riding, gardening, and walking long distances.

Before and After

Weighing shy of 180 pounds last December, she started incorporating more walking into her daily life, and after losing 15 pounds she hit a plateau and began researching gyms in the area. Yates stumbled upon Seattle Kettlebell Club when she attended a self defense workshop the club hosted and took the opportunity to feel out SKC’s environment.  Immediately, she loved how friendly and open everyone was, so on March 3rd, Yates joined Seattle Kettlebell Club, took her body measurements, set goals and got hooked on KettleFIT.

“Kettlebells not only work muscles you don’t realize you have, but there’s also a balance and a rhythm that your body returns to,” Yates said, “and with the free weights and machines you will not get that at all.”

Between her 4 classes per week schedule and motivation from SKC’s 21 Day Challenge to clean up her vegan diet and cook at home to eliminate hidden sugar, she reached her July goals in only seven weeks, losing roughly 30 pounds - and an inch off both her waist and hips during the 21 Day Challenge alone!

“I just shot the July goals out of the water. No matter how long or how short you’ve been here, the 21 Day Challenge is an amazing experience,” Yates said. “I thought it was just going to be something cute, but it’s not. It is a challenge, and it’s worth every day. I learned a lot that I would have not thought to research on my own.”

Yates found a surprise benefit as well.

"Everything I tried did not improve my left side until Kettlebells! In less than 2 months I can make a full, closed fist, hold and use small objects (like keys), and my left arm and shoulder has almost caught up in flexibility and strength with my right side,” Yates said.  “Kettlebells rock where therapy failed.”

Yates saw amazing results during The 21 Day Challenge