Saturday, March 2, 2019

Member Highlight: Jodi Rose

Jodi Rose has been with Seattle Kettlebell Club for almost a year, and she was kind enough to share a little about her experience with the gym.

I am so much stronger since starting at SKC! I came to the club with abdominal separation 1 year after having my first child. Kettlebell training cleared that up completely within 6 months,” Jodi said.
"Now, with a 2-year old to chase around and lift, the training has increased my strength and I'm able to lift her with ease. I have lost weight, but my strength and endurance are the most noticeable changes. The challenges have been great for focusing on nutrition and have really helped to clean up my diet.”

When's she's not swinging bells, Jodi works for a non-profit

While many members come to SKC to get fit, many stay for the strong community. 

“The coaches and other members greet you with smiles, and it feels like everyone is on the same team, so there's no feeling of competition other than with yourself,” Jodi said. “I enjoy the music, motivation, and high energy in classes.” 

Keep up the good work Jodi! Thank you for being a part of SKC!

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