Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday Superstar: Amanda Stanley

Amanda Stanley has worked out and played sports her entire life, but she feels like she has never been a natural athlete.

“I was the kid who got the most hustle award versus the best player,” Amanda said, “so it’s nice to work out at a gym where the community is so supportive and there definitely is a team, but the focus is very much on you as an individual and how you can continuously improve and meet goals that are meaningful to you.”

PC: Truong Win

Amanda initially joined Seattle Kettlebell Club last spring to participate in The 21 Day Challenge.

“It was really nice to have that clear structure where I had to come four days a week, and there was a reward for doing so,” Amanda said.

Amanda started coming to SKC because of the convenience of the gym’s location, but after taking the challenge, she was hooked!

“I stayed for the community. Everyone here is so friendly and welcoming. EVERYONE works out here. There are all kinds of people, and I really appreciate that," Amanda said. 

SKC wasn’t Amanda’s first experience with kettlebells, but she found SKC’s intro class to be much more helpful than classes she’s taken at previous gyms.  

“I felt the intro class to be well structured and accessible. I didn’t walk away from that experience feeling intimidated,” Amanda said. “I felt like I was well prepared to go into KettleFIT classes after taking the intro class.”

Amanda started by taking KettleFIT classes but became interested in the SPORT once she gained more experience with the techniques.  

“KettleFIT classes are so fun. All I have to do is get myself here, and I’ll have a great workout, and it will always be different,” Amanda said. “The thing I love about Sport is that it keeps me focused on a goal, and I can see really tangible progress.”

Amanda credits trainer Dave for encouraging her to train for her first competition, and she lifted at SKC’s Pro-am in December.

“I liked it way more than I thought I was going to. I was super nervous getting up in front of a bunch of people, but the great thing is I felt well prepared,” Amanda said. “The sense of accomplishment I felt afterwards was awesome, and it really encouraged me to keep going and try to lift heavier.”

Since her husband Jarek is an active mountaineer, the couple often spends their weekends hiking, and she credits training at SKC for assisting her hiking abilities.   

“One of my primary barometers of how fit I am is how well I can keep up with him on long hikes, and that’s one area in my life where I can tell the difference,” Amanda said.

With a busy job working in digital marketing, Amanda uses her time at SKC as a form of meditation and self-care. She also notes that working out here has also helped her sleep better.

Amanda and Amy Bates embrace after a competition set
PC: Truong Win

“I never thought coming to the gym would be something I look forward to and would be part of my social life, but I love coming here and seeing the regular crew, and having that community," Amanda said. 

Lastly, Amanda praises SKC’s trainers for being educated and focusing on safety during classes.

“I’ve noticed a big difference in the mentality of the trainers here. I’ve never had anyone tell me to go up in weight here. It’s very much at my own pace, which is super empowering,” Amanda said. “You don’t feel pushed or rushed into anything. That being said, they are also very supportive and encouraging.”

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